the bARTer system

an exchange of art for art, or art for wanted / needed items and services. a way to foster community and help one another without the exchange of money, because we’re all a little broke sometimes.

hey, i’m glad you stumbled here.

the bARTer form ➳➳➳

the bARTer system is a new and emerging idea, proudly founded by mwah. this idea came to me one day as i was driving past the farmers market. as an art vendor myself, i find myself at these types of events every weekend. my life is dependent on sales, ah! and it is 2023 as i’m typing this… so you know, everyone’s a little strapped for cash right now. i get it. so how can i obtain more things i want or need without spending money? because sometimes no matter how hard i try, i just can’t come up with the funds for things i need. like to be honest, i need a new pair of running shoes desperately bad but i can think of ten more important things like rent, gas, food, bills, savings, home improvements, etc, that i would rather be putting my hard earned money towards.

and i got to thinking more….

i would so trade art for a pair of shoes. (lightly used, because my poor feet need that extra support)

i would trade baked goodies for a pair of shoes. (yes, i like to bake too. gluten free, of course.)

shoot, i’d clean someone’s garage for the shoes.

i’d trade a piece of art for many things.

a gluten free cookie. a cute ‘grandpa’ sweater. a backpack. a purse. another piece of art. a nice glass jar. a new phone charger. a blanket. social media services. i could seriously go on and on and on.

i dream of the bARTer becoming big, bold, and worldwide. hopefully soon i’ll have a map where everyone can link what they have to bARTer and what they need. but for now, feel free to scroll further for my own bARTer list. i have compiled a list of things i am in need of and would happily trade a piece of art for OR make you a custom piece. you just have to let me know what you like.

and if you’d like to help bARTer grow, feel free to send an email or DM. let’s work together to make positive change for our communities.

the bARTer form ➳➳➳


list is updated monthly

there is no official bARTer currency, come forth with what you feel is fair!

this page is still in the works and elevating daily, thank you for being here and i cannot wait to hear from you.


a bookshelf.

romance novels ;) or any fiction books really. i love a good story!

journals (empty, haha)

size 10/10.5 shoes — sandals, running shoes, boots, let me see what you have!

size medium cotton shorts (preferably black, brown, dark green, or white)

thick hoodies and crewnecks

garden seeds!

crystal tower pieces or big chunks of a crystal

tarot reading

have something you think i’d like? let me see!

ANY ART :) show me what u got, i love art trades! i’m especially on the hunt for landscape prints/pieces to hang up in my home!

MICHIGAN LOCALS ONLY - gluten free baked goods